CYMA Bank Reconciliation Module
CYMA Bank Reconciliation Benefits
- Supports unlimited bank accounts, records and contacts
- Import bank statements via industry standard QFX or QIF formats for matching and clearing transactions
- Over 100 custom data fields for tracking bank information
- Integrated Bank Register for Cash Management
CYMA Bank Reconciliation Features
- Supports unlimited bank accounts, records and contacts
- Clear transactions individually, by range, by deposits and credits and by checks and charges
- Clear transactions by all company ID's or by a single company ID
- Supports multiple companies or divisions posting to a single General Ledger
- Import bank statements via industry standard QFX or QIF formats for matching and clearing transactions
- Over 100 custom data fields for tracking bank information
- Bank ID's and other bank information are shared between Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll and After-the-Fact CD Checks
- Retrieve transactions from all modules (GL, AR, AP, PR and After-the-fact CD Checks)
- Retrieve transactions from a single bank or all banks at once
- Create adjusting entries within Bank Reconciliation that can then be posted back to General Ledger
- Integrated Bank Register for Cash Management
- Enter an unlimited number of contacts with 4 phone numbers each
- Enter an unlimited number of bank records to accommodate multiple bank accounts
- Identify General Ledger Account for each bank
- Allows user to select data from any combination of modules and companies
- Users can select or mark an individual, all or range of transactions to clear
- Use the optional Crystal Reports module to customize system reports and create new reports that can be added as selections to the Report Menu
- Produce Adjusting Entries from within Bank Reconciliation for posting to General Ledger
- Maintains links between each company and module level bank account for total configuration flexibility