CYMA System Manager Module

The brain of the CYMAIV system, System Manager, controls users, companies, security, and a wide variety of system features. Each installation of CYMAIV requires a System Manager. One convenient location helps manage multiple companies, user access, accounting periods, custom forms, and reporting.

A batch reporting facility has been added to the system. Users may create batches of reports that can be executed with a single click. Each batch may contain multiple instances of the same report and each individual report may have different selection criteria. Each batch may consist of reports from different modules.

CYMA's User Level Security options, ensure only authorized users have access to sensitive company information and vital functions. In addition, users can be restricted from running CYMA URL's that automatically process information from web page links in eDesk.

CYMAIV's eDesk, is an HTML based resource center, containing getting started information, tutorials, JavaScript Financial Calculators, and a wide variety of CYMA reference materials. eDesk can also be customized to run CYMA functions from the click of a link or be modified to act as a departmental intranet (HTML coding experience required).

CYMA's System Manager allows for other modules (AP, AR, GL, etc.) to interact with one another. Click here for a visual display of CYMA module relationships.

Click on any of the links for more information or call CYMA at 800-292-2962.