CYMA Healthcare Payroll Software Solution

Assisted Living Centers - Home Healthcare - Vendor and Government Fiscal/Employer Agent Payroll Software

CYMA Payroll Software contains a specially designed solution for Fiscal/Employer Agents, Assisted Living Centers and Home Healthcare Agencies. CYMA's Fiscal Agent model is used for companies that process payroll for healthcare recipients that do not pay their caregivers themselves. With CYMA, one payroll company is setup for the Fiscal Agent, and a Client is established for each healthcare recipient/consumer.

Each recipient/consumer has their own EIN number and their own set of employees who are their personal caregivers. Typically, each recipient/consumer would have one or two caregiver employees linked to them through the CYMA system.

The Fiscal Agent provides the service of paying the caregivers for the recipients while on the face of the payroll check it will indicate the payer is the care recipient.

With a special relationship with Gray Swan for Medicaid and Medicare billing, CYMA is part of a complete healthcare payroll solution from assisted care centers to fiscal/employer agents. 

CYMA's Payroll Software Fiscal / Employer Agent Solution Offers:

  • Consumer-Directed Payroll
  • Payroll processing for all states
  • Federal and State compliance for payroll forms reporting
  • Unlimited pay types and all pay frequencies
  • Multi-Company management or Multi-Company/Multi-EIN Management - Separate EIN per consumer
  • Individual 941/940 options for each attendant to consumer
  • Flexible reporting on consumers, attendants, and combined information
  • Process for recording ACA data and processing 1095-C, 1094-C, 1095-B, and 1094-B forms
  • Unique Employees can work for multiple service companies
  • Complete Certification and License Tracking
  • Built-in electronic filing capabilities
  • Automated Clearing House (ACH) direct deposit
  • Relationship with Gray Swan software for Medicaid and Medicare billing from a list of consumers and attendants.
  • Multiple pre-designed reports within financial modules and payroll modules
  • Customizable forms and reports

Download a no risk, 30 day demonstration or contact CYMA at 800-292-2962 for a complete walkthrough and evaluation of your company needs.

Applied Self-Direction Memebership    National Association of Home Healthcare    Assisted Living Federation of America