Version 1.5.4 Update
Release Date: December 2000
- Calendar Control for Date Entry
We've added a handy calendar which you may use when entering dates
in the CYMA program. When the cursor is on a date field, the user
may press "CTRL-R" or right click the mouse to invoke the calendar.
Once the calendar is displayed, the user may scroll through the
calendar, select the desired date and then return to normal data
entry mode.
- Support for Crystal Reports Version 8.0
- Version 1.5.4 supports Crystal Reports Version 8.0. All
standard reports supplied with the system have been converted to
Version 8.0 format. Version 8.0 adds a wealth of new features for
report design, review and printing, including the ability to
quickly find a specified text string in an on-screen report.
Customers who have designed customer reports and formats with
previous versions of Crystal Reports will need to purchase a copy
of Version 8.0 to maintain compatibility.
- Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
We've modified and enhanced reporting capability in both Accounts
Payable and Accounts Receivable. In AP, we've added a new "Range of
Dates" Vendor Ledger which displays only invoice information within
a range of dates. The system dynamically computes a Balance Forward
amount for the beginning date and displays it at the beginning of
the report. For Accounts Receivable users desiring a shorter Aging
Report, we've added a new report entitled "Outstanding Receivables
By Due Date". This new report summarizes invoice information as of
the date of the report.
- Payroll Pop-Up Notes
Version 1.5.4 also adds "Pop-Up" note capability to the employee
master record in Payroll. You may now enter notes for each employee
and set the system to automatically display those notes during
Payroll data entry.
- New Payroll Check and AR Statement
Payroll checks in "Check-Stub-Stub" format are now a standard part
of the system, as is an Accounts Receivable Statement Format which
allows the printing of line item detail