CYMA Release History: Version 4.0

Release Date: October 2001

Major Components

Statistics & Other Information


Version 4.0 System Manager Highlights


Version 4.0 - General Ledger Highlights

Process Menu

Reports Menu



Version 4.0 - Accounts Payable Highlights

Maintain Menu

Enter Menu

Process Menu



Version 4.0 - Payroll Highlights

Maintain Menu

Enter Menu

New Re-create/Reverse EFT Direct Deposit menu item

Process Menu

Calculate Payroll

o         July 2001 Payroll Update included

o         Payroll Proof - improved appearance and feature totals

o         Accrual limit checking for new accrual features

o         Multiple Workers Compensation Support

Print Checks

o         Multiple Copies of Checks

o         Test Form Alignment now uses actual check number

o         Sort Payroll Checks by name, department, location, city state, work state

o         Full EFT Direct Deposit Support

Reports Menu

All reports modified for appearance, consistency and readability. All reports in native Crystal 8.0 format and all reviewed/modified for 4 digit year truncation problems.

Calculation Proof Listing - Taxable and Excess Earnings now in separate columns. Last page of detail proof includes summary grand total that total both the hours and the amount columns.

Employee Listing - Report orientation has been changed to landscape. Fields for department, location, and job title have been added. Double clicking on an Employee 'drills down' into employee current, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, and annual balances.

Employee Earnings and Deduction Profile - Report orientation has been changed to landscape and all information for each feature now on single line (previously two lines).

Employee Balance Report - Improved readability. Decimal places for hours have been expanded. Grand Totals have forced to be on separate page and technical corrections made to total formulas.

Employee Summary Earnings - Cosmetic changes to the main report and a grand totals page added to the last page of the report.

Earnings History - Cosmetic changes to improve readability.

Employee W2 Profile - Cosmetic changes and orientation changed to landscape.

New - Employee Personnel Report - Report shows Current, Month to Date, Quarter to Date, and Annual totals for all features per Employee. Similar to Employee Personnel Reports in PAS.

Payroll Company Configuration - Existing fields placed in groups of 'Company Information', 'Posting Information', 'State Information', 'Pay Frequency Information', and 'Misc. Information'. (Order of information on the Maintain Configuration screen). Now shows information about each state that has been setup and the pay frequencies that have been setup. Information regarding how many employees are Active, On Leave, Quit, etc is also being tracked.

Payroll State Profile - cosmetic changes.

Company Earnings and Deductions Listing - cosmetic changes.

New - Employer Balance Report - Variation of the existing Employee Balance report - shows QTD and YTD amounts for company portions only.

New - Department Listing - Flat listing of all Departments that have been setup in C4 - PR - Maintain - Departments.

New - Location Listing - Flat listing of all Locations that have been setup in C4 - PR - Maintain - Locations.

Payroll Entry Verification Report - cosmetic changes.

Current Payroll Journal (Detail) - cosmetic changes. Where an account number is not being hit by a feature (Vacation Accrual for example) instead of leaving gaps in report these are filled in as 'Not Applicable' Hours have been added as a column to the report. YTD Amounts have been added (YTD for the feature as of the time the check is printed). Employee and Company Portions have been broken out, sub totaled individually, and then combined for check total. Taxable, Excluded, and Excess Wages have been added. Grand Total added as the last page of the report for all employee portions.

Current Payroll Check Register - Cosmetic changes. Batch column added for showing EFT batch.

Current Tax Summary - cosmetic changes and corrections to totals column.

Current Payroll Deduction Register - cosmetic changes. Employer amount added as a column so report now shows a total for every feature where previously company portions descriptions where shown but amounts were blank.

New - Quarterly Earnings Report - Shows total wages for the quarter per employee. Number of Employees employed (as of the 12th) in each month of that quarter. Shows Employee, Employer, Taxable Wages, and Excess wages for each deduction / tax feature.

Quarterly Local Income Tax Report - cosmetic changes.

State Income Tax Report -cosmetic changes.

State Income Tax Report Summary- Complete rewrite. Now accurately matches the State Income Tax report.

State Unemployment Worksheet - Complete re-write. Shows Excess, Excluded, Taxable, and Total Wages for the quarter. Also shows company and employee tax rates. Able to handle multiple features per employee. Also shows number of employees employed as of the 12th of each month in the quarter.

State Unemployment Tax Attachment - Shows Excess, Excluded, Taxable, and Total Wages for the quarter and corrected problem with page totals.

State Disability Insurance Worksheet - Complete re-write. Shows Excess, Excluded, Taxable, and Total Wages for the quarter. Also shows company and employee tax rates. Able to handle multiple features per employee.

Workers Comp Worksheet - Complete re-write. Shows Excess, Excluded, Taxable, and Total Wages for the quarter. Company and employee tax rates. Able to handle multiple features per employee. Able to handle Hourly calculation method.

Payroll Journal (Detail) - Cosmetic changes. Where an account number is not being hit by a feature (Vacation Accrual for example) instead of leaving gaps in report these are filled in as 'Not Applicable'. Hours have been added as a column to the report. YTD Amounts have been added (YTD for the feature as of the time the check is printed). Employee and Company Portions have been broken out, sub-totaled individually, and then combined for check total. Taxable, Excluded, and Excess Wages have been added. Grand Total added as the last page of the report for all employee portions. Can be sorted by Employee ID or Employee Name.

New - Payroll Journal (Summary)- Similar to a report in PAS that has columns across for the features (Salary, Hourly, Federal Income Tax, etc.) and then Employees and Checks down the left side. Only a single line per check. Has a grand totals page on end for totals of all features for all employees on the report.

Check Register - cosmetic changes and column added to show EFT batch number.

Local Income Tax Report (Historical) - Reworked so it actually does pull history (checks moved to history during quarter end closings) along with some small cosmetic changes.

New - Accrual Feature Balance Report - Tracks other accrual and accrual pay features. Handles multiple accrual features per employee. Shows the carry forward from the prior year, the activity in the current year, and the net remaining balance.

Payroll Configuration Audit Report - Complete rewrite. Now instead of a snapshot of what the configuration was it actually shows as a single line what field was changed, what it was changed from, and what is was changed to.

Employee Audit Report - cosmetic changes.

Employee Earnings and Deductions Audit Report - Complete rewrite. Now instead of a snapshot of what the configuration was it actually shows as a single line what field was changed, what it was changed from, and what is was changed to.

Earnings / Deductions Type Audit Report - Complete rewrite. Now instead of a snapshot of what the configuration was it actually shows as a single line what field was changed, what it was changed from, and what is was changed to.


Version 4.0 - Accounts Receivable

Maintain Menus

1.      Maintain Configuration

a.      Added Periods Before Archive function for user defined move to history. User may now select the number of periods to retain information in "current" files.

b.      New Default Bank ID's used for processing payments with an invoice. Payments entered with an invoice (as in a counter sale) are automatically credited toward a user defined bank id for cash, credit card and check orders.

c.       New "Sales Tax/No Sales Tax Option".

d.      Added new Credit Hold Treatments:

1.      Ignore

2.      Warning Only

3.      Hold With Override

4.      Hold Always

These new credit hold treatments specify how orders on credit hold are treated.

2.      Maintain Customers

a.      Customer ID is now 15 characters long.

b.      Customer History Report on Customer Tab - on line customer history showing high balance, oldest unpaid invoice, largest invoice and last 15 invoices and payments.

c.       Improvements to the Ship-To Editing Process including the ability to view a ship to address without being in "edit mode".

d.      A discount percent has been added to the "Prices" tab.

e.      High Balance and High Balance Date Added to the credit tab display.

f.        Collection History by Invoice Added to the credit tab display.

3.      Other Maintain Items

a)      Maintain Product - Product ID increased to 30 characters in length.

b)      Maintain Tax Categories - each tax category may now consist of an unlimited number of tax id's (previous limit was nine).

c)       Maintain Sales Reps - new on-line history report added to the display.

Enter Menus

1.      Enter Invoices

a.      Action for a document being entered for a customer on credit hold is determined by the credit hold treatments in Maintain Configuration and whether or not the user has "AR Manager" capability.

b.      Date may be changed at invoice entry time to any date with the current open year.

c.       Tax Category defaults from customer file but may be overridden.

d.      Sold-To Address may be manually overridden.

e.      Ship-To Address may be manually overridden.

f.        Taxable checkbox is set based on customer configuration and may be changed.

g.      Line Item Description field is now 80 characters long.

h.      Unit Price supports 4 decimal places.

i.         Line Item Discount Percentage Field.

j.        Taxable Checkbox (on/off) at the line item level.

k.       New tax calculation algorithms eliminate line based tax rounding errors.

l.         New "Customer" Button automatically links to Maintain Customer menu.

m.     New - Payment with Order processing techniques.

n.      New reference fields for "ref" , "ref2", and "job".

o.      AR Account may be overridden for each invoice.

p.      User may enter negative quantities.

q.      Pricing overrides for manual invoices and credit memos.

2.      Enter Payments

a.      A single payment may be applied to multiple customer accounts.

b.      A single payment may be applied to both customer and miscellaneous accounts.

c.       A previously misapplied payment may be re-applied without the correction showing on the customer statement.

d.      Write-Offs, Transfers between accounts and applications of unapplied payments and credits are all accomplished in the payment entry screen.

e.      "Customer" Button in "Enter Customer Payments" screen takes the user directly to Maintain Customers for maintenance or review of customer information.

f.        Payment entry allows the preparation of a deposit slip without necessarily fully applying each payment as it is entered.

g.      Payment types include check, credit card, cash, transfer and adjustment.

h.      Payment Amount represents the net effect of the transaction on AR and can be negative or zero. Only actual receipts are shown on the deposit slip.

i.         Deposit With Order support.

j.        Deposit may not be posted to AR until all amount distributed. Deposit proof listing may be printed as many times as necessary in the payment entry process.

3.      Enter Customer Payments

a.      Optional display of zero balance invoices.

b.      Deposit with Order and "On Account" support.

c.       Auto Select Invoices automatically applies payment to all invoices.

d.      Auto Select Credits automatically accumulates all credit balance invoices up to the balance of the invoice and applies the total to the undistributed amount.

e.      Invoice Terms added to the invoice display grid.

f.        Discount may be taken regardless of terms (with AR Manager capability).

g.      Payment entry at the invoice line level.

h.      Single source entry for write-offs, account transfers, applications and adjustments.

4.      Enter Recurring Invoices

a.      New User Defined Groups

b.      Payment Book Printing

Posting and End of Period Processing

1.      Posting Processes show only periods with invoices that have not been posted when selecting a period to post (for invoices) or periods with payments that have not been posted (for posting payments).

2.      All posting processes re-written for new file structures.

3.      Period End Process - references user defined "periods before archive" configuration setting. All zero balance invoices that meet the criteria move to history. Dramatic reduction in number of items remaining in current file.


Accounts Receivable Reports

1.      General - all reports reviewed and modified for date truncation issues and saved in native Crystal 8.0 format. All ledgers offer date range capability and problems with multiple payments to single invoice lines remedied. Unapplied payments show on ledgers even if customer has no invoices. All aging reports date sensitive for payments, unapplied payments, credits, write-offs and finance charges. All aging report column totals accurate. Problems with missing details sections resolved. All aging may be run with a customer minimum balance threshold.

2.      Daily Transaction Report By Account - Cosmetic changes. Problems with orders appearing under wrong sections resolved.

3.      wrong sections resolved.

4.      Order Register - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

5.      Invoice Register - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

6.      Recurring Invoice Proof - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

7.      Payment Register - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

8.      Unapplied Credits - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

9.      Unapplied Payments - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

10.  NSF Listing - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Fixed problems associated with NSF unapplied payments.

11.  Write-Off Register - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

12.  Summary Ledger - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. May be run for a date range.

13.  Detail Ledger (Landscape) - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. May be run for a date range. Corrected problems associated with multiple payments to a single invoice line. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice.

14.  Detail Ledger (Payments Summarized By Invoice Line) - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. May be run for a date range. Corrected problems associated with multiple payments to a single invoice line. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice.

15.  Detail Ledger (Payments Summarized - Landscape ) - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. May be run for a date range. Corrected problems associated with multiple payments to a single invoice line. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice.

16.  Summary History Ledger - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. May be run for a date range.

17.  Detail History Ledger (Landscape) - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. May be run for a date range. Corrected problems associated with multiple payments to a single invoice line. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice.

18.  Detail History Ledger (Payments Summarized) - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. May be run for a date range. Corrected problems associated with multiple payments to a single invoice line. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice.

19.  Detail History Ledger (Payments Summarized - Landscape) - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. May be run for a date range. Corrected problems associated with multiple payments to a single invoice line. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice.

20.  Customer Detail By Due Date Aging - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

21.  Customer Detail By Invoice Date Aging- Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice.Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

22.  Customer Summary By Due Date Aging - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

23.  Customer Summary By Invoice Date Aging - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

24.  Sales Rep Detail By Due Date Aging - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

25.  Sales Rep Detail By Invoice Date Aging - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

26.  Company Summary By Due Date Aging - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

27.  Company Summary By Invoice Date Aging - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved.Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

28.  Outstanding Receivables By Due Date - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance.

29.  Cash Expectations Report - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures. Properly displays unapplied payments for customers with no invoice. Problems with missing detail sections resolved. Problems with incorrect aging buckets resolved. Correctly date sensitive with respect to payments, credits, unapplied payments and write-offs. Can be filtered by minimum customer balance. Fixed existing problem with improper suppression of zero balance invoice lines.

30.  Customer Master Report - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

31.  Customer Price Report - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

32.  Customer Ship To Report - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

33.  Customer Contact Report - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

34.  Customer Labels Sorted By Name - New report.

35.  Customer Labels Sorted By Zip Code - New report.

36.  Terms Listing - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

37.  Product Code Listing - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

38.  Sales Rep Listing - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

39.  Tax ID Listing - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

40.  Tax Category Listing - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

41.  Volume Billing Profile - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

42.  Bank File Listing - Cosmetic changes; date format changes; native Crystal 8.0 format; verified against new AR file structures.

43.  New Reports - Sales Rep and Customer History Reports - "push button" reports from the Maintain Customer or Maintain Sales Rep menu. Customer History shows period and year to date information and listings of historical transactions.

44.  Proof Listings - cosmetic changes to all proof listings, most significantly the Deposit Slip and Payment Register.

45.  New Deposit Proof Listing Report - from new Enter Payments process.


Version 4.0 - eDesk Active Desktop

What is eDesk?
EDesk is a new addition to the CYMAIV product which brings internet technology to the CYMAIV desktop. eDesk provides you with a web enabled desktop inside your CYMA system. With this web enabled desktop you can customize your CYMA system, link to other web pages, create push button management reports, integrate data from other applications and create short cuts to specific parts of the CYMA software.

With eDesk, the CYMA desktop becomes a web page. You, your CYMA dealer, or any other web developer may develop web content to display on this page. The page can contain links to other sites, links to CYMA reports, or links to customized help systems. With eDesk, your CYMA desktop is a fully featured, Internet Explorer compatible web browser.

What Can I Do With eDesk?

Create shortcuts to the web: With eDesk, you can build connections to your favorite web sites directly into the CYMA software.

Create shortcuts to CYMA menu items: With eDesk, each CYMA menu item is accessible as a URL. For example, the Accounts Payable Enter Invoice function is accessible as cyma://ap.enter.invoices. This allows you to build one click shortcuts to the portions of CYMA you use most often. Try the examples below, but note that you will get an error if you try to run a module that you do not have installed.

One Click Access to CYMA Reports: With eDesk, all CYMA reports are accessible as web links. You can develop links that allow you to run your favorite reports with one mouse click. Note: If you try to run a report in a module not installed on your system you will get an error message.

Report access doesn't stop there! With eDesk you can build shortcut links that not only run a CYMA report, but automatically pass values to the report. This makes it possible to create links such as "This month's balance sheet" or "Today's Cash Requirements Report" that not only run the report, but automatically pass to the CYMA report engine all the parameters you would normally key into the selection grid. Advanced users will discover that VB and Java scripts can be used to batch reports together - so that you can run all your month end reports with the click of a single link!

What Can I do With eDesk?

Your imagination is the only limitation when it comes to designing eDesk templates. EDesk supports all major functionality found in Microsoft Internet Explorer, meaning that eDesk templates support html, xml, Java, Flash, VB script and other technologies. Here are a few ideas for you, ranging from simple to more advanced.

CYMA Menu Shortcuts
Since each CYMA menu item is available as a URL, you can design a web page that consists of one click links to commonly used CYMA menu items. These links are in the form cyma:// as in cyma://ap.enter.invoices.

Build Report Shortcuts
Each report in the CYMA system is also available as a URL. This allows you to build web pages that consist of links to CYMA reports. The form is cyma:// as in cyma://

Automate Reports
You can run reports and automatically pass parameters to the report. When running a CYMA report, the system normally prompts you with a report selection grid, into which you enter parameters such as the Year, Period, Account, Customer, or other parameters. You can build these parameters into the eDesk report link, so that they automatically are entered for you. For example, thelinkcyma://,2000&row1= between,7,8 will run the Detail By Date Range Report in GL and pass theparametersYear= 2000, Period between 7 and 8 to the report and run the report automatically.

Link to External Web Sites
eDesk supports links to any web site. Simply embed a link such as "" and you are done. This feature allows you to supply your accounting system users with easy, integrated access to the web sites they access most often.

Use Java and VB Scripts
eDesk supports all major IE technology. If you are using the CYMA General Import feature for example, to import information from an external comma delimited file into CYMA, you might develop a VB script which located the source file, manipulated it into CSV format and stored it in a defined location. This all could be launched with the click of a single icon on your web page. You could then build a link to the CYMA General Import module to import the data. Other web based multi-media technology could be used to build customized training content.