CYMA Release History: Version 5.0

Release Date: October 2002


Version 5.0 - System Manager Module

1. The File menu in the System Manager module now provides the ability to log-out and log-in as another user without exiting the system. Previous versions required you to exit the system completely in order to log-in as another user. This new capability is found under the File menu in the System Manager.

2. The occurrence of Crystal Reports Error 534 in Novell and other network environments has been eliminated. Among other items, this restores full Novell support for Pervasive Server environments for customers with Accounts Receivable.

3. eDesk now contains 10 Java based business calculators. These calculators provide the capability to perform a number of different analyses. They include:

Note: These calculators are licensed from KJE Computer Solutions. Customers who wish to license the calculators for use on their own web site may contact KJE at

4. Smart Entry and Show Report Names are now configuration settings; no registry entries are required. Smart Entry sound may also be disabled. These settings are now maintained in the Maintain User menu of the System Manager.

5. You can now "copy a user" from the Maintain Users screen - use this to quickly set up new users with identical security and preference features.

6. The System Manager Utilities menu now contains the ability to Purge History from AR and AP "as of a cut-off date."  This routine scans the history files of the selected module for entries prior to the cut-off date and deletes them from the history file. Use this feature to keep history files from becoming excessively large and to reduce the time to run certain history reports.


Version 5.0 - General Ledger Module

1.      Deleting a batch in a closed year now creates a record in the audit file.

2.      Problems with intermittent rounding errors when making allocated entries have been resolved.

3.      There is a new flag in the GL configuration menu. "Warn if Unposted Entries" will produce a warning message when running GL Ledger reports if there are un-posted entries in the GL.

4.      The A-Plus Tax Interface has been removed.

5.      The GL Transaction file now contains a "name" field instead of "Vendor ID" field. This field is used to hold the full customer name (for AR postings) or the Vendor name (for AP postings). It will contain the employee name (when posting from Payroll to the General Ledger) if this feature is enabled in Payroll Configuration. This has two primary benefits:

a) GL Ledger reports now display the vendor or customer name, and

b) When posting multiple AP companies to a single GL, the vendor names on GL Ledger reports will be correct.

6.      The description field has been added to the data grid when selecting GL batches to be posted for easier identification of the correct batch to post.

7.      System batches that contain only write-off entries can now be edited or deleted.

8.      The posting process in GL now prints a proof listing prior to the post and asks the user whether or not they wish to continue with the posting operation.


Version 5.0 - Accounts Receivable Module

1.      You can now add custom data fields to the AR Invoice Entry screen. Similar to the new functionality in Accounts Payable, you can add user-defined fields to each invoice, enabling you to track items unique to your invoices. For example, add a field to track the cost of items on the invoice to enable gross margin calculations. Or add custom notes fields to track specific comments about each invoice.

2.      A new Global Price Change feature is now available. This new feature allows you to modify the standard price for a range of product codes, changing the price by a percentage or unit amount.

3.      Invoice line descriptions can now be 256 characters in length.

4.      New AR Invoice and Statement Messaging Options are now available. The new Maintain Messages menu allows you to create an unlimited number of 256 character messages that you can print on customized invoices. Use this feature to add a "Happy Holidays", "Special Offer" or any other kind of message to each invoice. Four standard dunning messages are also available for statements. The dunning message that prints is dependent on the age of the invoices on the statement. If there is a non-zero balance in the 4th aging bucket, then message 4 prints. If the oldest non-zero amount is in aging bucket three, then message number three prints, and so on.

5.      When entering invoices the tax category and ship-to ID now default to the ship-to ID that has been set as the default for the customer.

6.      When entering a NSF check that originally paid multiple invoices associated with multiple customer accounts, the system will now automatically adjust all affected customer accounts without user intervention.

7.      The payment entry system has been enhanced so that a single keystroke will now take you from the enter payment screen to the payment application screen. When entering a line item in the payment screen, simply pressing F6 will take you directly to the screen where you apply the payment to invoices.

8.      The Enter Adjustments screen has been enhanced so that you can browse for the invoice needing an adjustment. Previously, the system listed all invoices and the user needed to scroll and select the invoice requiring the adjustment. Now the user can use all of the features of the browser to select the proper invoice.

9.      You can now sort invoices by invoice date or invoice number in the payment application screen. Previously, the system displayed all open invoices in invoice date order. Sorting by invoice number enables you to easily find a specific invoice.

10.  A new warning message has been added when a batch of payments is saved when not fully distributed. This will help prevent users from accidentally saving payments that are not fully distributed and hence are not posted in the AR Posting process.

11.  Support for Recurring Manual Invoices has been added to the system.

12.  The Volume Billing function has been enhanced to recognize customer specific pricing established in the Maintain Customer screen. Previous versions used only the standard product price.

13.  The Post Invoices to AR routine has been enhanced to allow you to cancel the posting process after the proof listing is displayed.

14.  You now choose a range of AR accounts during the posting process.

15.  A warning message has been added when entering and posting payments to a future period. The system will allow you to enter a future dated invoice, but will warn you when doing so. Previous versions only warned when the date was in a prior period.

16.  The payment processing routine has been enhanced so that partial payments made in a cash basis company do not result in unbalanced transactions.

17.  You can now re-print invoices by order number in addition to invoice number.

18.  A new finance charge option is now available. Customer Level Minimum Finance Charges allow you to specify a minimum finance charge that applies to the total of all invoices for a customer. For example, say a customer has 100 invoices at $10 each. Your normal finance charge is 1.5%. Previous versions allowed you to specify a minimum finance charge on an invoice-by-invoice basis. If the minimum were set to $2.00, this customer would be charged finance charges totaling $200.00. The new Customer Level finance charge option would allow you to specify a minimum finance charge that applies to the total of all invoices for the customer. So if this were set to $25, the normal finance charge of $15 (100 invoices x $10 x 1.5%) would be over-ridden with the $25 charge.

19.  A new message has been added to the Beginning Balance entry process to make the process clearer to the customer.


Version 5.0 Accounts Payable Module

1.      You can now add custom, user defined fields to the invoice record in Accounts Payable. Use this new feature to track information about each invoice (for example, delivery information, special billing information) not normally tracked by CYMA. These custom fields are linked to the vendor and invoice number and may be used in custom designed reports. To create custom fields for each invoice, go to the Enter Invoices Screen in Accounts Payable and click on the "Custom Tab".

2.      AP to GL Posting Routines now write the complete Vendor Name (instead of the Vendor ID) when posting from AP to GL. This improves the readability of ledgers in the General ledger for Accounts Payable transactions.

3.      Complete support for Use Tax has been added to the system. Many states require business to track and report use tax for items purchased from out of state vendors. If "Use Tax" is turned on in the AP Configuration a "Use Tax?" field appears in the data grid for invoice entry. The user then may mark each line item of an invoice as to whether or not use tax applies to the item. A series of Use Tax reports simplify the reporting to state agencies.

4.      On-the-Fly Invoice Entry for Manual Checks has been added to the system. When entering a manual check the user may (with one button) create an invoice for the manual check. When the invoice is saved the user is automatically returned to the manual check entry screen, where the new invoice is displayed in the invoice grid for check application. Previous versions of the software required the user to enter an invoice prior to entering the manual check.

5.      1099 information is now tracked at the invoice line level . Previously, 1099 information was tracked at the invoice level. This would present difficulty if a single invoice contained line items for both products and services. Now, the 1099 status of each line item can be set, resulting in more accurate and easier 1099 tracking for mixed product and service invoices.

6.      AP Invoice Entry now contains both an Invoice Date and a Transaction Date field . This was added to help make easier those situations where an invoice is dated the 25th of the month but not entered until the 4th of the following month. In Version 5.0, the user can enter, for example, 11/25/02 as the invoice date and 12/04/02 as the transaction date. The invoice is aged from the invoice date (November) but is posted in December (transaction date). All aging reports have been re-written to accommodate this change.

7.      Two new types of terms codes have been added to the system. "Next Xth day" allows you, for example to specify that this invoice is due on the next 15th day of any month. An invoice dated June 6 would be due June 15th, while an invoice dated June 16th would be due July 15th. "Last day of the month" generates a due date equal to the last day of the month in which the invoice is dated.

8.      A new field has been added to the Maintain Vendor screen to track the customer number assigned by the vendor. The Vendor Account Number field is a convenient place to store the account number assigned by the vendor. This account number could then be printed on checks payable to the vendor.

9.      Federal Tax Withheld can now be tracked for 1099 vendors .

10.  You can now filter invoices on hold in AP posting operations.

11.  There is a new check format that eliminates overflow check stubs. In the existing system, overflow stubs waste a check when the second check used for the overflow stub is voided. The new check format allows you to print remittance stubs separately on plain paper, saving expensive check stock.

12.  AP Checks can now be reprinted! A new check re-print feature allows you to re-print checks in case of a printer jam. Optionally re-print with the same or different check numbers.

13.  The ability to filter reports by Vendor Type has been added to many reports.

14.  The invoice register and other reports can now be filtered by User ID. This makes it easy see the entries made a particular user.

15.  Recurring Invoice Entry reports can now be filtered by Frequency. This makes it easy, for example, to get a listing of just the "monthly" recurring invoices.


Version 5.0 Payroll Module

1.      Multi-State Payroll - the payroll system has been modified to move state identifier information to the employee feature level. This means that you can now handle the following multi-state situations:

a. Employees who live in one state and work in another - with SIT calculations based on the "residence" state and SUTA calculations based on the "work" state.

b. Employees who work in one state part of the year and then move to another state in mid-year. If the employee lives in 2 different states during the year, the system will produce one W2 with information for both states. If the employee works in more than two states the system will produce supplemental W2's.

c. Employees who work in more than one state during a pay period. With proper configuration of Wage Calculations, proper state reporting is maintained.

2.      You can now void a range of payroll checks.

3.      You can now delete a feature from an employee after it has been saved as long as there are no entries for the feature.

4.      The "next" button in Payroll entry now skips past inactive employees.

5.      The state tax ID field has been expanded to 25 characters in length.

6.      Departmentalization entries with more than 9 line items now round correctly.

7.      There is a new configuration item that allows the user to specify whether or not the employee name should be posted to the GL when posting in detail.

8.      The Maintain Employees screen now records "Date of Last Raise" and "Amount of Last Raise".

9.      The Generate PR dialog has been modified so that overriding all amounts to result in a zero dollar check is now prohibited.

10.  The system now gives a warning message if 1 or more inactive GL Accounts are encountered in the posting process.

11.  All check formats have been modified to now print vacation pay as "hours x rate".

12.  Check formats have been modified to suppress print lines for FUTA and other features that have both zero hours and amounts in the current period and year-to-date.

13.  "Prompt for Amount" has been added as a calculation method for Pre-Tax Deductions.


Version 5.0 Bank Reconciliation Module

1.      Bank Reconciliation adjustments that are made into a closed GL year can now be deleted within GL. Un-posted system batches made into the closed prior year can now be deleted by selecting the batch you want to delete, attempting to edit the batch, deleting the batch and making a Prior Year adjustment.

2.      There is now an option to ensure that adjusting entries made in Bank Rec do not affect the General Ledger.

3.      The BR system now defaults to the last BR ID used.

4.      Zero dollar AP checks are now longer retrieved into BR.