CYMA Release History: CYMA 16

Release Date: October 2016

The CYMA Version 16 Release is a major release including enhancements and corrections.

New CYMA 16 Features and Corrections

Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
After-The-Fact Payroll
Bank Reconciliation
CYMA User Portal
Employee Self-Service
General Ledger
Human Resources
Inventory Control
Job Costing
Purchase Order
Sales Order
System Manager


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Module Menu Item Description
PR Enter Adjustments Added new Client Trans Class Code logic to Enter Adjustments
PR Enter Adjustments Added the Department and Location IDs to the check header file in Enter Adjustments
PR Enter Employee Feature Status Inquiry The inquiry will now show Hourly Rate in Export to CSV for Earnings Features
PR Enter Employee Hours Status Inquiry More ACA filters have been added to the Employees Hour Status Inquiry
PR Enter Employee Hours Status Inquiry Selections made in the Include Earning Features dialog are now saved on the Employee Hours Status Inquiry
PR Enter Employee Hours Status Inquiry The default FTE Hours/Month have been changed from 120 to 130 
PR Enter Manual Checks Added new Client Trans Class Code logic to Enter Manual Checks
PR Enter Manual Checks Added the Department and Location IDs to the check header file in Enter Manual Checks
PR Enter Payroll Added new Client Trans Class Code logic to Enter Payroll
PR Enter Payroll Corrected issue in Enter Payroll - Default & Prompt Amounts Tab -- Hours field would not allow zero after decimal
PR Enter Payroll Reversed order of columns in all PR grids so that Cost Code appears before the Workers Comp Code
PR Enter Quick Payroll Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to Enter Quick Payroll
PR Enter Quick Payroll Save the selections made in the Exclude Earning Features dialog in Enter Quick Payroll
PR Enter Staffing Hours Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to Enter Staffing Hours
PR Enter Staffing Hours Added a Find Employee ID field for searching the Enter Staffing grid
PR Enter Staffing Hours Selections made in the Exclude Earning Features dialog now save in Enter Staffing Hours
PR Enter Time Entry Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to Enter Time Entry
PR Enter Time Entry Corrected issue in Time Entry where "Next/Prev Week" button was not save existing data
PR Enter Void Checks Added the Department and Location IDs to the check header file in Enter Void Checks
PR Maintain ACA Offer of Coverage Added Pay Frequency as a filter to the Maintain ACA dialog
PR Maintain ACA Offer of Coverage Added the employees' name to the Payroll inquiries that have Export to .CSV capability
PR Maintain ACA Offer of Coverage Changed the logic in Maintain ACA to no longer save records that have "None" in all monthly columns
PR Maintain ACA Offer of Coverage The Exclude from 1095 option is now defaulted from the employee record into the Maintain ACA Offer of Coverage grid
PR Maintain Beginning Balances Added the Department and Location IDs to the check header file in Maintain Beginning Balances
PR Maintain Clients Added an optional Birthdate field to the Client record
PR Maintain Clients Added a Trans Class Codes tab to the client indicating which ones can be viewed and used in CYMA and ESS
PR Maintain Clients Added an EFTPS Pin number field to the Client
PR Maintain Clients Added previous year SUTA rate columns at the client level
PR Maintain Clients The Client's Sync Customer now defaults with Client Change option to selected
PR Maintain Configuration Added options by status as to when an ESS employee can first see their check stubs
PR Maintain Configuration Corrected issue where PR Maintain Configuration saved all entries to the config audit file even if nothing has changed
PR Maintain Configuration The Default Accrual Pay that auto-populates when a new PR company is established now offers improved defaults: Allow Payout GT Accrued is set to Warning and Include in Final Check is set to Yes.
PR Maintain Configuration Added a "Use Transaction Class Codes From Client" option to PR Configuration
PR Maintain Configuration Added a default "Use Workers Comp as SUTA" field to workers comp features on PR Config
PR Maintain Configuration Added PSD Pennsylvania columns to the Local Information page 
PR Maintain Configuration Earnings features can now be deleted from configuration if they are used in Client setup
PR Maintain Configuration Earnings sort option keys are now permanent on Config
PR Maintain Configuration Enabled a "Schedule R Filer" flag to PR Configuration for Fiscal Agents (MAIN)
PR Maintain Employees Added a new "Yearly" maximum hours cap to Accrual features 
PR Maintain Employees "100%" is now the default If the Calc Method is Prenote or System Calculated when adding a Direct Deposit/EFT Direct Deposit
PR Maintain Employees "Calculation Method" control on employee features is now locked when limited editing is invoked because of existing entries
PR Maintain Employees Accrual earning features are now included in the Copy Feature
PR Maintain Employees Accrual pay features can now be set up without an associated accrual feature
PR Maintain Employees Accrued Hours value on accrual features will not copy when the "Copy All Employee Values" option is selected
PR Maintain Employees Added a Hourly Rate filter to the Copy Feature   
PR Maintain Employees Added a key to the Employee dependent record
PR Maintain Employees Added a Max Hours Per Year Payout Amount on Accrual Pay Features
PR Maintain Employees Added an ACA "Self-Insured" field at the Employee level
PR Maintain Employees Added an ACA Exclude from 1095 and a 1095-B Origin of the Policy fields at the employee level
PR Maintain Employees Added an ESS Password Last Updated field to the Employee record
PR Maintain Employees Added Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes to the employee SUTA feature 
PR Maintain Employees Added the Self-Insured field to the employee audit file
PR Maintain Employees All date fields enabled on the Employment Information page are now included in the Copy Feature function
PR Maintain Employees Corrected an issue where the Copy Employee feature would occasionally duplicate features
PR Maintain Employees Corrected issue where CYMA would close while copying a feature after attempting to copy employee
PR Maintain Employees Corrected issue where the City Tax Table was not set correctly after Copying an LIT Feature
PR Maintain Employees Corrected resizing issues when scrolling and changing year
PR Maintain Employees Created ability to repurpose Workers Comp features as SUTA features for Aatrix (for PA & OR customers)
PR Maintain Employees Created an "Exempt" status on SSI/Medicare/FUTA/SUTA features for Fiscal / Employer Agent customers
PR Maintain Employees If the company is defined as a PEO or Fiscal / Employer Agent, a warning message will display if a new employee is not assigned to a client
PR Maintain Employees Pop-up an alert if a Direct Deposit feature is selected for a PR Employee indicating no EFT record will be created
PR Maintain Employees The Employee Rate will default when adding/changing a Pennsylvania PSD code in the Locality field on LIT features 
PR Maintain Employees The Tab Order on Maintain Employees has been chanced with respect to SSN
PR Maintain Employees Added the ability to allocate (departmentalize) labor cost to Grants/Projects
PR Maintain Locations Enabled an Employer PSD field to the location records for Pennsylvania
PR Maintain Wage Calculations When setting up a new company, no features will be set to Exclude for FUTA
PR Process Calculate Payroll Corrected issue when an amount was entered for an Accrual Pay and the accrual was set to Amount per Period, the maximum amount was not taken into account
PR Process Calculate Payroll Added Gross Wages tracking on Tax Check Lines similar to tracking of Taxable, Excess, and Excluded wages.
PR Process Calculate Payroll Corrected issue where when "Needs Final Check" is selected and Calculate is performed multiple times, Taxable Wages are overinflated.
PR Process Calculate Payroll Mariana Protectorate Payroll Tax Calc will to reduce Chapter 7(Fed) tax amount by Chp 2(Local) amount.
PR Process Calculate Payroll The system will prevent access to Calculate Payroll if Household Worker refund entries exist 
PR Process Close Current Pay Period The system now allows users to close the current pay period without losing time already entered for the new pay period
PR Process Create AP Invoices For a Fiscal / Employer Agents, CYMA has given visibility to the Client Name, Tax IDs & EIN on an AP invoice created from Payroll 
PR Process Create AP Invoices For Fiscal / Employer Agents, CYMA will add the Client ID to the Reference field in the AP Invoice header 
PR Process Employee Wage Change Changes to wages will now only occur if the selected employees are visible in the grid
PR Process Period End Close Provided the capability to print the Payroll 1096 transmittal form
PR Process Print 940 Form Adjusted Process Print 940 Form to use newly added Gross Wages construct.
PR Process Print 940 Form Corrected issue where 940 form was not accurately reporting the employer portion of pre-tax deductions
PR Process Print 941 Form Corrected issue where 941 Form reported invalid numbers in the rare case where a user creates index on check date for browser
PR Process Print Checks Corrected issue where Accrual check line records, created when there is no activity for the current period, had invalid YTDHours value
PR Process Print Checks Added ability to print the employer portion of a feature on the check stubs
PR Process Print Checks Added Company Name and Address to check stubs including MICR for California and Oregon
PR Process Print Checks Added option to print checks in one composite print job vs a separate print job for each check.
PR Process Print Checks Added the Department and Location IDs to the check header file
PR Process Print Checks Added the Department and Location IDs to the check header file in Print Checks
PR Process Print Checks Corrected issue where checks were not aligning properly if they were pre-printed fields
PR Process Print Checks Corrected issue where Vacation Accrual was not showing on check if have not accrued any YTD but have a balance forward
PR Process Print Checks CYMA has now disabled the Check Date field when reprinting Payroll checks
PR Process Print Checks Fiscal / Employer Agents can create refund checks for qualifying Household Workers
PR Process Print Checks Performed a complete rewrite of Payroll Self Sealing MICR checks
PR Process Print Checks The system can now filter Company Portions off Check Formats ( Standard, Templates, and MICR )
PR Process Print Checks The system will now store the accrual hours YTD balance in the check line files
PR Process Quarter End Close Added a Prerequisites check box confirming Household Workers have been refunded SSI/Medicare prior to closing the 4th quarter
PR Process Quarter End Close Added Department and Location IDs to the check history header file when moving checks to history in the Quarter End process
PR Process Streamlined Payroll Added the Department and Location IDs to the check header file during Streamline Payroll
PR Process Streamlined Payroll For Fiscal / Employer Agents, the system prevents access to Streamlined Payroll if Household Worker refund entries exist 
PR Process Tax Forms and Payments Added custom code for NJ client for Aatrix e-filing of weekly and monthly payer's unemployment and withholding wages to V16
PR Process Tax Forms and Payments The system will now populate Aatrix with employee & employer PSD codes plus LIT amounts for Pennsylvania e-filings of quarterly and yearly reports
PR Process Tax Forms and Payments The system will now use Workers Comp to SUTA flag in Payroll Forms
PR Process Tax Forms and Payments Updated the Aatrix AUF file with the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code from the employee's SUTA feature and other appropriate data
PR Process Year End - Complete W2 efile Service Cente If an employee has the "None" Offer of Coverage code in every individual month then they are excluded from the 1095 forms 
PR Process Year End - Complete W2 efile Service Cente Corrected issue where Box 14 values not showing on Aatrix W2 preparer
PR Process Year End - Complete W2 efile Service Cente Removed a restriction that ACA employees must have earnings for the year in order to be included in Aatrix processing
PR Process Year End - Complete W2 efile Service Cente The Origin of the Policy code is now used on the employee record and populate on the ACA 1095-B form
PR Process Year End - Complete W2 efile Service Cente The system will now read the Self-Insured flag on the employee to determine if Part 3 Covered Individuals on the ACA 1095-C form should be populated 
PR Process Year End - Complete W2 efile Service Cente When processing W-2s in any of the three menu options, a note now appears about performing a recalc if there has been a change to a W-2 box
PR Process Year End - Print and eFile W2s & 1099s Multiple W2 changes for Fiscal / Employer Agents:  eFile record groups, paper W2s EIN, and Company Name conditions.
PR Process Year End - Print and eFile W2s & 1099s For Fiscal / Employer Agents, the system will read the Schedule R Filer flag for determining the source of the demographic information on W-2s (eFile & print)
PR Process Year End - Print and eFile W2s & 1099s The Print & eFile W2s & 1099s forms will now use the company default contact information
PR Process Year End - Print and Self-Mail W2s & 1099s Added additional error checking to W2 Proof Listing
PR Process Year End - Print and Self-Mail W2s & 1099s For Fiscal / Employer Agents the system will read the Schedule R Filer flag for determining the source of the demographic information on W-2s (print & self-mail)
PR Process Year End - Print and Self-Mail W2s & 1099s The Print & Self-Mail W2s & 1099s forms now use the company default contact information on
PR Process Year End - SSI/Medicare Refunds (New) For Fiscal / Employer Agents can refund Social Security & Medicare taxes withheld from Household Workers who earned less than the yearly threshold



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Module Report Name (if applicable)Description
AP   Added a new AP Purchases by Date Range (Current with Drilldown)
AP   Added a Top 20 Vendors report based on payments made per date range 
AP   Added an AP Invoice Register of invoices moved to history
AP   Added Vendor Last Activity Date reports to Master File Reports
AP 1099 Reconciliation - Reconcile1099.rpt The AP 1099 Reconciliation report changed to include GL ATF CD Checks.
AP Check Register - ApChkReg.rpt The AP Check Register is now an OLE DB Report.
AP Unposted Invoice Register - ApUnPstI.rpt Added GL account name to the AP Unposted Invoice Register
AP AP 1099 Proof Listing - Ap1099Pf.rpt Added a Number of Forms count to the bottom of the 1099 Print proof
AR   Added additional filters and sorting to the Customer Master Report
AR   Updated all preprocessed AR Agings and Ledgers to include unposted payments if payment was paid to specific invoice lines
AR Customer Master Report - Customer.rpt Added a filter to the Customer Listing to show who is on credit hold
AR Customer Price Report - CustPrce.rpt Added a "Default" column to the Customer Product Price report
AR Invoice Register - InvReg.rpt Added Sales GL account to AR Invoice Register
AR Invoice Register (Current and History) - InvRegCh.rpt Added a Customer ID selection filter to the AR Invoice Register (Current & History) 
AR Invoice Register (Current and History) - InvRegCh.rpt Rewrote AR Invoice Register (Current and History) report
AR Unapplied Payments - ArunPay.rpt Modified unapplied payment report to break out unapplied balance into separate Payment on Account, Deposit with Order, and Combined Total columns
GL   Added an After-the-Fact GL transaction report by Vendor 
GL   Added Cost Report Code as a selection filter to more GL reports 
GL   Added New GL Account Last Transaction Date reports
GL   Created optional ability to see Account Number along with Description on GL Financials
GL   In NFP, CYMA corrected the Income Statement Grouped by Segment where it was misreporting the value for the selected filter
GL Balance Sheet Detail ( Comparative ) - Blnsht2d.rpt Corrected issue where the Balance Sheet on the Current Year Profit Loss line was clipping the bottom of the field slightly
GL Balance Sheet SubType ( Drilldown ) - Blnsht3.rpt Corrected issue where the Balance Sheet SubType Drilldown was not showing batch detail when drilling down
GL By Batch - Batch.rpt The Year Filter on GL Batch Entry Listings has been changed
GL Grant/Project Budget to Actual - GBdgAct.rpt Updated the Grant Budget to Actual reports based on adding Actual period columns to the budget file
GL History - Entry5.rpt Added more grouping, sorting, and filtering options to the GL Entry Listing (History) Entry5.rpt
GL Income Statement Detail - Incstm6d.rpt The detail Income Statement (Incstm6d) now sorts based on the Account Sort ID and not on the Account ID
GL List of Budget Amounts - GLBdgLst.rpt Added the 4 digit year to the header of the List of Budget Amounts report 
GL Proof Listing (Post Journal Entries) GlPstPrf.rpt Group Journal Entry Batches as either being ready to post or not ready to post due to being in closed period on the Post Journal Entries proof report
HR Employee Certification Status - HrCertStatus.rpt The Status filter on the Employee Certification Status report now uses the Status from Hr_EmpCert.dat file 
HR Opening Listing - HrOpening.rpt Added the new email address to the Opening Listing
HR Opening Listing - HrOpening.rpt Made changes to the HR Opening Listing due to file change to Posting tab of Openings
HR Training Class Enrolled - HrClassEnr.rpt Added Employee Name and Supervisor Name to HR Class Enrollment Report HrClassEnr.rpt
HR Proof Listing - HRPrPrf.rpt Changed "Update PR from HR Benefits" Proof to handle 4 digits
IC   Added a Barcode Listing to both Inventory Control and Sales Order
JC Job Billing Summary (Cost Code) - JcBillSum.rpt Corrected issue on Job Billing Summary where it was not showing budget total correctly
JC Job Cost Summary (Cost Code) - JcCostSum.rpt Added the Cost Code description to the Job Cost Summary report and update so it can be modified with current version of Crystal
JC Job Status Report - JcJobSts.rpt The Job Status Report now provides a summary by base job in the Job Status report
JC Enter Labor Proof Listing - JcBatchPrf.rpt Made multiple changes to the Enter Labor Batch Proof
PO   Added an Open Commitment Listing by PO number
PO Buyers Listing - PoBuyers.rpt Updated the Buyers Listing with new Approval Manager e-mail columns
PO Product Analysis (By Date Range) - PoAnalys.rpt Added report filters to the Product Analysis (By Date Range) report in NFP
PO PO Status Inquiry - PoInquiry.rpt Added new columns to the PO Status Inquiry report
PR   Improve the local tax worksheet by adding additional filters
PR   Added a Client Transaction Class Code Listing
PR   Added a report that runs against Historical Entry files
PR   Added Employee Pay History report
PR   Added Schedule R (Form 941) for Fiscal / Employer Agents
PR 940 Schedule A (Grouped by Client) Pr940frmDept2.rpt 940 (Grouped by Client) now uses the name from the client record
PR ACA 1095-C Worksheet - PrEmpCov2.rpt Added more filters to the ACA 1095-C Worksheet including Employee Status
PR Client Information Report - PrClient.rpt Added an EFTPS Pin to the Client Information report
PR Client Information Report - PrClient.rpt Added the Birthdate field to the Client Information report
PR Client Information Report - PrClient.rpt Added the Previous Year SUTA Rates to the Client Information report
PR Client Information Report (Staffing) - PrClient2.rpt Added the Birthdate field to the Client Information report (Staffing)
PR Client Information Report (Staffing) - PrClient2.rpt Added the Previous Year SUTA Rate columns to the Client Information Report (Staffing)
PR Company Configuration - PrCoProf.Rpt Added the new Schedule R Filer field to the Company Config report
PR Company Configuration - PrCoProf.Rpt Added the new Use Trans Class Code from Client field to the PR Config report
PR Company Configuration - PrCoProf.Rpt Added the View Check History fields to the Employee Self Service section of the Company Configuration report
PR Employee Audit Report - EmpAud.rpt Added the Offer of Coverage Code to the Employee Audit report
PR Employee Count Report - PrCount.rpt Added the age the employee will be this year if the Count option is by "Birthdays by Month" and run in Detail mode  
PR Employee Departmentalization Report - PrDeptDist.rpt Added Grant Allocation information to the departmentalization report
PR Employee Earnings & Deductions Profile - EProfile.rpt Added the Standard Classification (SOC) code
PR Employee Hours Worked - HrsWorked.rpt Added a status filter to the Employee Hours Worked report
PR Employee Listing - EmpList.rpt Added a Household Worker field to the Employee Listing
PR Employee Listing - EmpList.rpt Added the ACA Offer of Coverage field to the Employee detail listing
PR Employee Listing - EmpList.rpt Added the ACA Self-Insured, Exclude from 1095 and Origin of the Policy options to the Employee Listing 
PR Entry Worksheet Report - PrEntryWs.rpt Added employee sorting options to PR Entry Reports Entry Worksheet
PR Local Income Tax - PrLITws.rpt Added a Group by Location parameter to the Local Income Tax Report
PR Local Income Tax (Historical) - PrLIT2.rpt Added a Group by Location parameter to the Local Income Tax (Historical) report
PR Location Listing - LocnList.Rpt Added the Employer PSD Code to the Location Listing
PR Payroll Journal [Landscape] - PrJour.rpt Added a Voided filter to the Payroll Journal (Landscape)
PR Quarterly Deductions Report - PrQtrDed.rpt Quarterly Deduction Report added Group ID, Type ID, Feature filters and Drill down to show individual Employee Amounts
PR Quarterly Earnings Report - PrQtrErn.rpt Added a Work State filter to Payroll Quarterly Earnings Report (PrQtrErn.rpt)
PR Household Employee Refunds - PrRefundPrf.rpt Added a proof report to the new Process Year End SSI/Medicare Refunds dialog
PR Post Payroll to General Ledger Proof - PrGlPrf.rpt Added Grant info to the posting proof report
SM Added an SM User Type report
SM Company Information - Company.rpt Added new password fields to the Company Information report
SO Profit by Shipping Cost (Detail) - SoProfit2.rpt Corrected decimal placement problems with the Sales Order Profit by Shipping Cost report
SO Sales Order Inquiry Report - SOInquiry.rpt Added a Quote Expiration Date to the Order Status Inquiry proof


System Manager

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Module Menu Item Description
SM CYMA Applicant Portal (new) Added an Applicant Web Portal
SM Login Page New user security offers will confirm, upon login, that the user is setup as a CYMA User and if required the password is correct
SM Maintain Banks Added a Company Identification value to Maintain Bank EFT Tab
SM Maintain Company Corrected issue where the processing category would reset to Standard when editing a company
SM Maintain Company New user security offers a company option to require user passwords and specify how often they must be changed
SM Maintain Company New user security offers optionally stronger user login password requirements
SM Maintain Company The system now allows up to one company default contact record per phone type (U.S. Standard, International, E-mail and Fax) 
SM Maintain Customer Changed the column name to Default on Invoice/Order on the Product Pricing tab
SM Maintain Products The system will validate upon save that the Barcode value on the product is unique
SM Maintain Transaction Classification Codes Added Trans Class Codes to the Client and ESS
SM Maintain Transaction Class Code 1 Before deleting a Trans Class Code 1 record the system will verify it doesn't exist on any other records
SM Maintain Transaction Class Code 2 Before deleting a Trans Class Code 2 record the system will verify it doesn't exist on any other record 
SM Maintain Users Added a GL Manager checkbox to Maintain Users
SM Maintain Users Added CYMA User Portal (CUP) permissions to Maintain Users (Main Issue)
SM Maintain Users Added navigation keys to Maintain Users
SM Other Corrected mismatch of email column names between AR current and history Invoice header files
SM Other Created a portal for applicants to register, search the posted openings, attach a resume and apply
SM Other Created a utility to delete the Last Price table and recreate it with the most recent unit price for each customer/product/warehouse
SM Process - 1099 Added 1096 forms to the AP and PR modules
SM Process Price Change Sales Order now allows all relations (Greater Than or Equal To, etc.) to be used for Sales Price adjustments
SM System General Import Corrected issue where import of Payroll Hours for Accrual Type would fail because the max amount was set to zero for an employee
SM System General Import Added a Barcode validation to the SM Products Import
SM System General Import Added a header Invoice Description field to the AP Invoice import
SM System General Import Added a Household Worker field to the Employee import
SM System General Import Added a LIT (Local Income Tax) General Import
SM System General Import Added a PR Client State general import
SM System General Import Added an EFTPS Pin number to the Client Import
SM System General Import Added an email column to the HR Opening general import
SM System General Import Added an Employer PSD field to the Locations general import
SM System General Import Added an import for Employee Benefit enrollment
SM System General Import Added Check Number to PR Adjustment General Import to Import Manual Checks
SM System General Import Added import options for PSD codes, descriptions and employee rate to the PR Config local tax table for Pennsylvania employers
SM System General Import Added Self-Insured to the Employees General Import
SM System General Import Added the Birthdate field to the PR Clients Import
SM System General Import Added the Department and Location IDs to the check header file the Payroll Adjustment Import
SM System General Import Added the Exclude from 1095 and Origin of the Policy fields to the Employee General Import
SM System General Import Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to the PR Adjustments Import
SM System General Import Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to the PR Staffing Hours Import
SM System General Import Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to the PR Time Entry Import
SM System General Import Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to the PR Transaction Import
SM System General Import Added the previous year SUTA rate columns to the Client State import
SM System General Import Added the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) to the Employee Taxes import
SM System General Import Corrected issue where custom fields could not be imported in PR Work Order
SM System General Import Corrected issue where General Import of Other Earnings / Accrual Pay set to Prompt for Amount in PR Transactions rejects if importing just hours
SM System General Import Corrected issue where Hours Import was not importing Accrual Pay features
SM System General Import Corrected issue where PR Adjustment Import would fail to fill out check lines completely when Warning occurs for feature that is not currently in effect
SM System General Import Corrected issue where SIT General Import would not allow StateID Change
SM System General Import Corrected the import for Client custom fields
SM System General Import General Import will now allow multiple email addresses in the Customer import
SM System General Import General Import will now allow multiple email addresses in the PR Employee Demographics import
SM System General Import General Import will now allow multiple email addresses in the Vendor import
SM System General Import General Import will now allow users to Exclude Warnings when Importing
SM System General Import Importing of "Posted" GL Transactions is now prevented if in a closed GL period and year 
SM System General Import The system will auto create Employee Features during the PR Adjustment Import
SM System General Import When using the import templates on a Workstation, the system now looks to the import folder on the local install
SM System Import Templates Added a Household Worker field to the Employee import template
SM System Import Templates Added a Self-Insured column to the Employees Import Template 
SM System Import Templates Added a Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) column to the Employee Taxes import template
SM System Import Templates Added the Exclude from 1095 field to the Employee Template Import
SM System Register Added a registration key for the CYMA User Portal
SM System Utilities Purge History Added Status of Retired and Permanently Disabled  
SM System Utilities Purge History GL Purge History is now faster due to Account Deletion
SM System Utilities Purge History If both the "Laid Off" and the "Reduction in Force" status is checked, employees with "Reduction in Force" will not be purged
SM System Utilities Recalculate Balances Added filters, a Find Now, and sort options to Payroll Recalc Balances
SM System Utilities Recalculate Balances Corrected issue where the GL Recalc is overwriting the original batch posting date
SM System Utilities Recalculate Balances Exponential Numbers are now cleared from the PR Check Line File


Accounts Payable

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Module Menu Item Description
AP Enter Invoice Status Inquiry Added more filters to the AP Invoice Status Inquiry
AP Enter Invoices Corrected issue where using the Copy Feature in AP Enter Invoices could reverse the quantities on the new invoice
AP Enter Invoices Added a total to the Quantity column in AP Enter Invoices
AP Enter One-Time Invoices Added a total to the Quantity column in AP Enter One-Time Invoices
AP Enter One-Time Invoices Added a total to the Quantity column in AP Enter Recurring Invoices
AP Enter Void Checks The process will now use the void date in the cash association process when voiding an AP check and selecting Remove Original Invoice
AP Process Calculate and Print 1099s The system now provides the capability to print the Accounts Payable 1096 transmittal form
AP Process Calculate and Print 1099s The system will now use the company default contact information on the AP 1096 and 1099 forms 
AP Process Print Checks Added an AP direct deposit advice similar to the one in PR
AP Process Print Checks AP now offers CCD, PPD or CTX file format for electronic file transfers (EFT)
AP Process Print Checks Rewrote the format of the two AP Self Sealing MICR checks
AP Process Select Invoices Corrected issue where the Invoice Balance column total is not calculated when changing the sort option


Accounts Receivable

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Module Menu Item Description
AR Enter Invoice Status Inquiry Added more filters to the AR Invoice Status Inquiry
AR Enter Invoices Added a total to the Quantity column in AR Enter Invoices 
AR Enter Invoices Changed the methodology to not validate the Warehouse ID on a TEXT product on any AR Invoice/Import that updates IC Quantities
AR Enter One-Time Invoices Added a total to the Quantity column in AR Enter One-Time Invoices 
AR Enter Payments Corrected issue where users were unable to Post an AR Deposit due to Zero Dollar Payment Line
AR Enter Payments Selecting Select Invoices in Enter Payments now refreshes all invoices that were selected manually.
AR Enter Recurring Invoices Added a total to the Quantity column in AR Enter Recurring Invoices 
AR Enter Volume Billing Invoices Added a total to the Quantity column in AR Enter Volume Billing Invoices 
AR Process Period End Processes Print Statements Changed aging bucket labels for Print Ready Statements to pull from Maintain Config aging days to match content
AR Process Period End Processes Print Tax Reports Added a page break option for the AR tax reports
AR Process Post to AR Invoices Added the Sales GL account to the AR Invoice Register Proof report (InvRegPf.rpt)
AR Process Print Invoices Added a checkbox option to always use Original Invoice Date from the Invoice when printing invoices


CYMA User Portal

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Module Menu Item Description
CYMA User Portal (CUP) Batch Status Added a Batch Status query to the CYMA User Portal
CYMA User Portal (CUP) Batch Transaction Added a Batch Transaction query to the CYMA User Portal
CYMA User Portal (CUP) Check Status Added a PR Check Status query to the CYMA User Portal
CYMA User Portal (CUP) Employee Cost Added an Employee Cost query to the CYMA User Portal
CYMA User Portal (CUP) Employee Feature Status Added an Employee Feature query to the CYMA User Portal
CYMA User Portal (CUP) Employee Hours Status Added an Employee Hours Status query to the CYMA User Portal
CYMA User Portal (CUP) Employee Status Added an Employee Status query to the CYMA User Portal
CYMA User Portal (CUP) Invoice Status (AR) Added an AR Invoice Status query to the CYMA User Portal


Employee Self-Service

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Module Menu Item Description
Employee Self-Service Check History Changed the ESS deposit advice to be able to use the CYMA report - Employee
Employee Self-Service Check History Corrected issue where some Accrual hours were not appearing on the ESS Check 
Employee Self-Service Check History ESS check history is now available for viewing based on the employee status options defined on PR Configuration 
Employee Self-Service Employee Entered Time Entry by Day Advanced Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to ESS Enter Time by Day - Advanced
Employee Self-Service Employee Time Entry By Day Basic Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to ESS Enter Time by Day
Employee Self-Service Employee Time Entry by Period Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to ESS Enter Time by Period
Employee Self-Service Employee Time Entry by Period Corrected issue where column totals were not retaining 4-digit precision in ESS employee's Time Entry by Period
Employee Self-Service Employee Time Entry by Period ESS Time Entry by Period now takes into account the Allow Payout GT Accrued options
Employee Self-Service Email to HR Added Client Name as a variable for HR communication forms
Employee Self-Service Employee Feature Hours Added additional date column and rename existing column - Supervisor
Employee Self-Service Employee Feature Hours Removed the display of the entries from the PR_time file.
Employee Self-Service Employee Features.aspx Corrected issue where Feature Hours Employee Inquiry was showing features in the dropdown that have been defined as not "show in ESS".  
Employee Self-Service Feature Hours Added additional date column and rename existing column - Employee
Employee Self-Service Login Page Upon the ESS login, the system will determine if the employee is required to change their password
Employee Self-Service Supervisor Approval by Day Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to ESS Supervisor Enter/Approve Time by Day
Employee Self-Service Supervisor Approval by Period Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to ESS Supervisor Enter/Approve Time by Period
Employee Self-Service Supervisor Approval by Period Corrected issue where column totals were not retaining 4-digit precision in ESS Supervisor Enter by Period
Employee Self-Service Supervisor Approval by Period ESS Supervisor Enter/Approval Time by Period now takes into account the Allow Payout GT Accrued options
Employee Self-Service Supervisor Check History Changed the ESS deposit advice to be able to use CYMA report - Supervisor
Employee Self-Service Supervisor Enter Staffing Hours Added the new Client Trans Class Code logic to ESS Supervisor Enter Staffing Hours


General Ledger

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Module Menu Item Description
GL Enter ATF Quick Transactions The ATF Proof report now divides the difference between control totals and actual amounts by 9 to help identify transposed dollar amounts
GL Enter Batch Transaction Inquiry Added more filters to the GL Batch Transaction Inquiry
GL Enter Journal Entries The GL Manager is now allowed to change the Year and Period on a "System" batch that has been unposted
GL Enter Journal Entries Updated the process when copying a GL batch - when the user changes the defaulted Year or Period then  the line item dates will be updated accordingly
GL Maintain Configuration Added an option to not allow Journal Entry Batches to be posted to specified years and periods (MAIN)
GL Maintain Quick Budgets Improved performance on saving GL Maintain Quick Budgets
GL Process Post Journal Entries The system will now prevent a Journal Entry Batch in a closed period from being posted 
GL Process Un Post Journal Entries The system will not allow journal entries to be unposted to a closed GL period and year


Human Resources

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Module Menu Item Description
HR Enter OSHA Injury Inquiry Added a View Detail button on the OSHA Inquiry
HR Maintain Benefits Added a Go to Employee button when enrolling an employee from Maintain Benefits
HR Maintain Benefits Added employee status filter to View/Enroll Update Employees dialog
HR Maintain Benefits Expanded hours and percentage fields on the Benefit to have 4-digit precision like the same fields on the employee record
HR Maintain Employees Created a pop-up an alert if a Direct Deposit feature is selected for a HR Employee indicating no EFT record will be created
HR Maintain Openings Added an E-mail field to the Maintain Openings dialog
HR Maintain Openings Added more space to the 3 text boxes on the Post tab of Maintain Openings (Main)
HR Process Update Payroll From Benefits Employees who are terminated but have "Needs Final Check" checked are now included in the HR to Payroll update process 
HR Process Update Payroll From Benefits The system will now not exit dialog when performing an update                     


Inventory Control

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Module Menu Item Description
IC Enter Adjustments Corrected issue with multi-user record locking where the result was an "Aborted" GL header record in IC Enter Adjustments
IC Enter Issues Corrected issue with multi-user record locking where the result was "Aborted" GL header records originating from IC Enter Issues (Main)
IC Enter Physical Count Adjustments Corrected issue with multi-user record locking where the result was "Aborted" GL header record in IC Enter Physical Count Adjustments
IC Enter Physical Count Adjustments The system now allows searching the Enter Physical Count Adjustments grid by a Product ID or Barcode
IC Enter Receipts The system now allows searching the IC Enter Receipt grid by a Product ID or Barcode
IC Enter Transfers Corrected issue with multi-user record locking where the result was "Aborted" GL header record in IC Enter Transfers


Sales Order

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Module Menu Item Description
SO Enter Sales Order Status Inquiry Added new filters to the Sales Order Status Inquiry
SO Enter Sales Orders Added "Default on Invoice/Order" product logic to Sales Orders
SO Enter Sales Orders Corrected issue where converting a Quote to a Sales Order was not updating the Last Price table
SO Enter Sales Orders Corrected issue where copying a sales order would cause the program to add the freight weight from the original sales order to the new one
SO Process Print Pick Tickets Added date and time printed to pick ticket and packing list
SO Process Print Pick Tickets The Open Qty on a Pick Ticket is now "0" if the line was manually closed
SO Process Shipments Sales Order now allows searching the Process Shipment grid by a Product ID or Barcode


Purchase Order

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Module Menu Item Description
PO Enter Purchase Order Status Inquiry Added new filters including the Sales Order Number to the PO Status Inquiry
PO Enter Purchase Orders Purchase Order will now read the buyer record to determine if and when the Approval Manager should be sent an e-mail 
PO Maintain Buyers Added Approval Manager E-mail options to the buyer record
PO Process Print Purchase Orders Added a PO form that includes the prime bin location from the warehouse for more accurate put-aways


Bank Reconciliation

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Module Menu Item Description
BR Enter Adjustments Removed certain restrictions when saving BR adjustments
BR Enter Mark Cleared Transactions Checks now show with a zero dollar amount if the older direct deposit feature is used (not EFT Direct Deposit). 
BR Enter Retrieve Data Corrected issue where Bank Reconciliation was not handling PR voided checks correctly


After-The-Fact Payroll

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Module Menu Item Description
ATFPR Maintain Client Employees Added a Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) column to the ATF Client Employees dialog


Job Costing

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Module Menu Item Description
JC Maintain Jobs The system will now use the AR voucher number to match the payments to the invoices in the View Detail grids in Maintain Jobs



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Module Menu Item Description
Other Other Corrected issue where cancelling out of "Change Users" would blank out the Module Name showing in the Active Module drop down list.
Other Other Added Function to CYMAX AR Invoice to Set the Due Date
Other Other Corrected issue where AR Invoice Active X fails when Adding Payment Information
Other Other Corrected issue where CreateSQLDbs.exe utility is putting incorrect paths in Custom Fields database entries
Other Other Corrected the CreateSQLDBs.exe utility where it was not writing the correct directory path if the path contains drive letter mapping instead of relative path