The Version 12.5 Update is a major release focused on Payroll, Human Resources (HR) and Employee Self-Service (ESS)
Added the ability to set Minimum Earnings before calculating Other Deductions, and also to set a flag to not let earnings fall below minimum.
New Local Tax Information Tab has been added.
Added quantity and rate fields to Non-Taxable Expense feature for items such as mileage reimbursement.
New Check box "Set Void Date to Original Check Date" has been added to Enter Void Checks.
Corrected rounding issues with calculations for the worker's compensation feature.
Added Defaults for the Local Tax feature
Fixed an issue where the State field 1a. of the 940 was blanked out after a message was displayed.
When reprinting checks and assigning a new check number, the trans codes are written to the new records.
Added an "Employee in Charge" field to Maintain Location.
Enhanced the Emerg/Dependent tab to store more information for each dependent.
Added option to add a Carriage Return and Line Feed to the Electronic W2 file. This is required by some states, but optional for the Social Security Administration.
Corrections made so unnecessary entries are no longer being written to the Salary/Pay history tab.
Added new defaults to the Union Dues feature.
When using the navigation controls to leave a newly created employee record, the record will now save.
Skill ID is no longer required if employee has a default Job but Job Costing has been disabled for the company.
Added "Consent to Receive Forms W2 Electronically" report that can be printed for employees to sign and return.
New checkbox has been added to Employee Setup dialog to indicate that they would like to receive Electronic W2.
An option has been added which would either include or not include the employees that have consented to an electronic W2.
Added Federal Form DOL WH-347 to the State Payroll Forms product.
Added new configuration options to specify the "Hours" earnings types to be used for calculating Total Hours Worked.
The Print 941 Form dialog will now remember the last values used for the state and filing options.
Changes to the Audit Records to eliminate unnecessary records being created.
Features that have a zero amount but have taxable, excess or excluded wages will now show on the summary page of all Payroll Journals.
Updated the 941 Reconciliation Report for changes in 2011.
Added the ability to indicate a Payroll Attachment Directory so that you can separate payroll documents from other documents.
Added the ability to Assign Certifications to a department. When a department is assigned to the employee the certifications will be automatically added to the employee.
Changed field description from "Smoker" to "Use Tobacco?".
Added Position, Location and Department fields to the Salary/Pay History Tab and file.
A selection criteria grid has been added to the Employee Wage Change process. This allows the filtering of employees for processing.
Added Employee in Charge column to the Locations profile report.
Added Employee in Charge column to the Departments profile report.
No longer forcing checks to move to history during the 4th quarter closing.
Added option to default hourly rate and annual income based on the employee's position.
Added a default for yearly hours. This is used to calculate annual income and as a default to the position.
Locality field on Local Tax Features is now a browseable table.
A proof report has been added to the Process Employee Wage change
State Payroll Forms product now contains more information related to the Client Billing process.
Added an Employee Milestone Date Listing showing all key employment dates plus birthdate. This report is in both PR and HR.
Beginning and Ending dates on features no longer look to the accounting date. The dates are now compared to the Pay Period dates and if the dates fall within the pay period, the feature will be considered active.
When specific employee career data is changed (position, department, etc.) the changes will display on the new Career Activity tab.
Added Debit and Credit accounts to the Accrual features to allow the ability to post the accrued amounts over to General Ledger. This will give the ability to track the cost of the accrual.
New Feature Values added to Earnings & Deductions Profile Report.
Added sort options to the Salary/Pay History tab of PR Maintain Employees.
When an employee hourly rate changes, the message will reflect the dollar and % of the change.
Client Code filters has been added to all reports that currently have Location and Department filters.
Added client filter to be able to print payroll checks for a range of clients.
Annual Income will be updated during the Employee Wage Change process, based on options in Maintain Configuration.
Hours have been added to the State Payroll Forms product for those forms that require hours.
Human Resources
Added a Career Activity tab to HR Maintain Employees.
Added new Training Instructors listing report.
Added sort options to the Activity inquiry button on Maintain Training Classes. Section ID, Employee, Status, Activity Date.
Added 3 sort options to the activity inquiry on Maintain Certifications, Employee ID, Status and Expiration Date.
Added sorting options to the following reports: Training Classes Listing, Training Class Schedule and Training Class Enrolled.
During the Process Update Payroll from Benefits, if a Flex time benefit is being added or updated, the system now checks to see if an Accrual Pay feature also needs to be added.
Added "Maximum Hours" accrual field if the benefit type is Flexible Time Off/Leave or using a Rate Table.
Enhanced Bracket Table for "Age in Years" calculation, using the Birthdate and either the Accounting Date or A Specific Date.
Non HR Managers will no longer have the ability to view sensitive payroll information from Maintain Employees.
Enhanced the Update Payroll from Benefits to include updating employee's accrued days per year based on length of service and still leave the calc method as system calculated.
Union ID is now a valid Rate Table Data Source.
Added the ability to create bracket tables that will calculate Age of Employee, Age of Spouse and Number of Dependents, based on date criteria.
Added options for "% of Gross Pay" and "% of Employee's Contribution" to the Company Participation section of the benefit.
Added options to define standard pay rate as either a "Fixed Amount" of based on an "Earnings Rate Table".
The number of students enrolled and completed for each class is now being calculated and displayed.
Career Status has been added as a valid data source for Rate Tables.
Employee Benefit Amount is now a valid Bracket Table Option.
For Pre-Tax 401k/Pension type benefits a Flat Percent has been added to the Company Participation group.
Additional Eligibility options have been added to the Maintain Benefits.
A Complete/Remaining button has been added - this will allow you to see the detail of Classes and Exams for the selected Certification.
Added selection criteria for number enrolled and number completed, also added a display options to only show classes that have more employees enrolled than is allowed.
Added "Create Employee Certifications Upon Position/Department Change" to the options group on Maintain HR Configuration. If checked, Certifications that have been defined for the Position or Department will be added to the employee when changed.
An "Auto Apply Certifications to Exam & Class Activity" option has been added to HR Config.
Enhanced the validations for both Benefit enrollment grids with new eligibility options.
Converted the HR Maintain Coverage Group into a header and grid type dialog.
Modified the Coverage Type Group Listing to include the Coverage Type and Description.
Removed the Group ID from HR Maintain Coverage Types.
Updated Benefit Listing report to include new fields.
Certifications that do not have a class or exam assigned are now included on the Certifications Listing.
3 new reference fields have been added to Maintain Certifications (Date, Amount and Notes).
Filtering the Coverage Type browser in the Employee/Benefit grid to active records for the Group Type.
Enhanced Maintain Openings to allow for multiple offers and hires for one position.
Added the ability to convert an Applicant to an Employee.
Added a copy button to copy the Rate Table setup to a new Rate Table.
Added an option to determine the next review date based on the "Next Occurrence of" a specific month and date.
Added a "Length of Service" group box to HR Maintain Configuration.
Added an option to allow multiple benefits to be pushed to Payroll for a single employee.
New HR Forms has been added.
Additional information being reported for Specific Date options and Length of Service Options.
When calculating an Age in a Bracket Table, use the Accounting date and Birthdate to arrive at the age of both Employee and Spouse.
During the Update Payroll from Benefits, the system will read the Company Participation section % of Gross Pay and % of Employee's contribution option when pushing a 401K type Benefit.
Added 3 new reference fields (Date, Amount and Notes) on Maintain Certifications as columns to the Enter Employee Certifications grid
New Reference fields: Date, Amount and Notes, have been added to the Employee Certification Proof Report.
Added columns for Reference Date, Amount and Notes to the Certification Listing report.
Added "Create Employee Certifications Upon Position/Department Change" option to the HR Config.
Smoker option has been changed to 'Use Tobacco" in the Row and Column Definitions of Benefit Rate Tables.
Added the ability to assign multiple rate tables to each benefit cost basis section.
Enhances the calculation logic to include multiple rate tables when pushing a benefit to payroll.
Added the following options for Bracket Tables - Age in Years - Employee, Age in Years - Spouse and Number of Dependents.
A new report (Employee Hourly Rates Outside of Position Min/Max) shows all employees whose hourly rate is outside the min and max rates established for their position
The Update Payroll Proof Listing has been enhanced. The Annualized Totals are on a separate page and included additional totaling on the Annualized page.
When linking an employee to an applicant the Certification tab will be populated with any Certifications currently assigned to the employee.
Added new "Earnings Rate Table" to be used in calculating pay rates for positions.
"Earnings" Bracket Tables dialog has been added to Maintain Position sub menu.
HR Earnings Rate Table profile report has been added.
An Earnings Bracket Table profile report has been added.
Added "Update Earnings from Positions" to Process menu.
Added a new "Next Occurrence Of" month and day to be used in conjunction with the Accounting date to determine the Next Review Date.
Maintain Offer and Hire Status Codes dialog
Added an "Offer and Hire Status Codes Listing" report to HR module
Date Lookup Order has been added to Benefit Bracket Table for calculating Length of Service.
When updating Payroll from Benefits - now reading the new Length of Service lookup rules.
Additional Information fields have been added to Maintain Applicants
Applicant Classification Status Codes have been added.
Added an Applicant Classification Status Codes Listing profile report.
Applicant Status Codes has been renamed to "Application Status Codes".
"Applicant Status: has been changed to "Application Status" on the Enter Applications Received dialog.
Renamed Applicant Status Code Listing Report to Application Status Code Listing.
Added Applicant Classification Status Code and the Openings grid to the Applicant Listing report.
Added the Offers & Hires grid information to the Openings Listing report.
Added a Classification Status filter to Enter Applicant Inquiry.
Added additional grouping options and selection criteria to the existing "Employee Benefits Tab Listing" report.
Added "Employee Benefits Tab Audit report".
Added a New and Terminated Employee Listing report that shows employees that have a start date or a terminated date in the date range of the report.
Added Total Hours Worked as a Bracket Table Type.
Added the field "Next Occurrence" to the Position Listing report.
When an accrual feature is created via the Process Update Payroll from Benefits, the default Work Days of 260 Per Year will be set.
Added new totaling to the bottom of View Cost dialog from HR Benefit: Company Total and Percent, Employee Total and Percent and Grand Total.
Non HR Manager - Suppressing certain sensitive Payroll information from Maintain Employee browser and dialog.
Performance Review information is being captured in the Career Activity file.
Added a Career Activity Code data grid which will allow users to define codes and descriptions that they wish to track regarding an employees career.
Employee Career Activity Code Listing report has been added.
Added New Dialog for entering employee career activity.
Employee Activity Proof report has been added to Enter Employee Career Activity.
Added new report "Employees Due for Review & Raise Listing".
Added additional options to allow for defining the cell values in Rate Tables.
Changed the verbiage on Enroll/Update Employees Benefit Proof report if a PT/FT Status failure condition occurs.
Added data for Human Resources into the Not-For-Profit Demo data.
Add an Employee Hours Worked report to PR.
Maintain Positions now has a Minimum, Mid and Maximum amounts for Pay Range.
Now reporting Minimum, Mid and Maximum amounts on the Position Listing report.
Added the ability to validate the employee eligibility during the Push to Payroll.
Employee Self-Service
Last 90 Days, Last 30 Days and Last Week options now work correctly in the Birthday/Anniversary Dates query.
Corrected situation where an apostrophe would cause a query to fail.
Increased the quantity field for Piece Work feature. Qty field will now except numbers up to 9.4 configuration.
Corrected the Employee Contact Link in Employee Self-Service (ESS).
Removed hour field data mask.
Supervisor now has the ability to add, change or approve Non-Tax Expense features.
The "Forgot Password" link on the front page of the webportal will not show unless the Email Settings have been configured.
Special characters in the Long Name field of a Feature no longer causes the Supervisor Approval by Day page to crash.
Added options to filter the list of employees and the employee transactions to the Supervisor Approval by Day.
The label for Accrued Hours has been changed to "Accrued Balance (in hours)."
Accounts Payable
Added validation and warning for void check dates that are outside the current period.
Removed Show Zero Balance filter on detail agings due to issues when using that filter in conjunction with the AP Account filter.
Added a required Due Date field to AP Enter Quick Invoices.
Corrected the F6 hotkey lookup when a product is selected in the AP Invoice.
Added code to ensures that only banks marked accordingly will be used when processing EFT files.
Accounts Receivable
Now able to delete a line out of a AR Recurring Invoice. Previously it would appear deleted, but the invoice still showed the deleted line.
Corrected "Fatal Error" message when updating or installing the After The Fact Payroll module without having the Payroll module installed.
Inventory Control
Pressing the Enter key instead of the Tab key after entering a quantity other than 1 or -1 from the Build Quantity field in the header is now correctly updating the Quantity Required columns in the grid.
Corrected a rounding problem in IC Enter Adjustments for Lotted products.
Job Costing
No longer displaying "Error SM-133 Data Grid: Record Modified. This record has been modified since it was last read." Record is saved when the OK button is pressed.
Purchase Order
Validating the Close Basis "AP Quantity Invoiced" when copying an Inventory Product from a Sales Order to a PO.
System Manager
Added defaults to Maintain Banks that define how the EFT file is created in AP and PR.
Added Accounts Payable diagnostic report for finding missing invoice header records.
Added Web Portal User Flag to Employee General Import. When the flag is set to on, the PIN will be generated for the employee.
Cosmetic changes to AP diagnostic report. Also added checking for the GL account in the check header file.
Cosmetic changes to AP diagnostic report. Also added checking for the GL account in the invoice header file.
Improved look and processing with GL diagnostic report and broke report into two reports, one that looks at the current files and one that looks at the history files.
Added payroll diagnostic report to look for missing GL accounts on payroll check detail.
Add new Payroll Diagnostic report to find features that are used on checks but missing the the configuration files.
Cosmetic changes to a GL diagnostic report. The report has also been split into two reports, one for current transactions and one for historical transactions.
Created General Import for HR Exams, Classes, Applicants, Openings, Organizations, Providers, Training Locations, Rate Tables, Benefits and Employee Certifications.
General Import for HR Openings including Help Documentation
Added General Import for Employee Certifications
Corrected the Conversion for Custom Fields associated with Sales Reps.
Updated the description field on Position Import to allow spaces and lower case letters.
Use Tax flag now defaults from Vendor when importing AP Invoices.
Email addresses now support more than three character domain suffix (eg .info).
Sales Rep is no longer a required field in the General Import for AR Invoices or Sales Orders.
General Import for Payroll Positions updated with new fields including Help Documentation.
General Import for PR Departments has been updated to include the new field Employee in Charge.
General Import for PR Locations has been updated to include the new field Employee in Charge.
Additional calc methods for Non-Tax Expense have been added to the PR Transactions import.
Current Log file in General Import has been corrected to only show the current import.
Processing of Change Fields and GL Restructure, has been improved when entering values in the grid.
Emailing on a Win7 machine no longer causes a hosting executable error and/or kick you out of the program.
Added new EFT Fields to Bank Listing report.
Extended standard trial period of HR from 30 to 90 days.
User window positions and sizing are reset when upgrading.